Super User

Super User

Quit Smoking

There are now a dizzying array of options on the market for Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT); patches, pills, tablets, chewing gum, spray, inhalers, e-cigs, the list goes on.

With such a confusing range of different products out there, it’s little wonder that so many people are convinced how difficult it is to quit cigarettes. After all, if nicotine is so addictive, how could we possibly quit cigarettes without replacing it in some form? In reality, the physical addiction of nicotine is rarely enough to wake us up at night. Within around a week without smoking, the nicotine in our body is gone.

Unfortunately, many people continue to smoke because they believe it will be extremely difficult or even impossible to quit.

By helping you to remove this belief and helping you to really feel good about making the decision to become a non-smoker, you can quit for good. Nicotine and all!

Non-smokers don’t spend time thinking about cigarettes or smoking. And neither will you. You can be free again! The benefits to becoming a non-smoker are vast. I won’t insult your intelligence by naming them for you. You’ve probably thought of a list already!

If you’d like to speak to me regarding your decision to quit, please contact me.

Weight Loss

A person is considered overweight if they have a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 25 and 29, and obese with a BMI of 30 and above.

Today’s obesity levels are more than three times what they were in 1980, when only 6% of men and 8% of women were obese.

Most people who become obese put on weight gradually between the ages of 20 and 40, but there is some suggestion that the path is set in early childhood. “Overweight children are more likely to become overweight adults,” says Susan Jebb, professor of diet and population health at the University of Oxford.

The cause of the rapid rise in obesity has been blamed on our modern lifestyles, including our reliance on the car, TVs, computers, desk-bound jobs and high-calorie food.

It’s often more complicated than simple calories in vs calories out. In today’s society we have more information than ever before about what is in our food and drink and how many calories we are consuming, and yet obesity levels are still rising.

Many people struggle with eating healthily, despite having all the information at their fingertips and more food choices than ever.

I have a lot of experience in this particular area, from years of helping personal training clients to lose weight through exercise and healthy eating.

Understanding our attitudes to eating and exercise is very important. We can discuss these together during your initial consultation. With the power of hypnosis, as well as some simple practical steps, together we can help you change any unhealthy patterns you may have with food or drink and help you to feel empowered towards living a healthier and happier life.


What is stress?

Stress is our body’s reaction to a situation or life event. In reaction to stressful events, either real or imagined, our body will trigger the release of a number of stress hormones, which can trigger our “fight or flight” response.

This is our bodies’ way of preparing itself for danger and to make us better able to protect ourselves.

Acute stress vs Chronic stress

Acute stress
Acute stress is where a short-term level of stress is experienced, can be a normal and even beneficial response. It can make us motivated and sharpen our senses; for example when giving a speech to a large group of people or performing at a high level in a sports event or a test.
Chronic stress
Where the feeling of stress persists over time. If left unchecked, chronic stress can begin to affect our physical and mental health and result in unwanted behaviours and more generalised anxiety, where we can even begin to worry about worrying.

Don’t leave it until it gets too much

It’s never too late to get help for these issues. And please don’t write yourself off as a “natural born worrier”. Everyone can improve their ability to deal with stress and to find new ways of reducing the effect of stress on their lives.

Through Hypnotherapy, I can help you to identify areas of stress in your life and to develop strategies and tools to deal with stress in a healthy and positive way, so that you can feel calm, in control and confident when stressful events inevitably occur.

Stressful events can and will occur to even the very best of us. If you feel that you’re struggling to cope, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me but at least speak to someone, whether that be a family member or a friend.


Anxiety is one of the primary issues clients come to see me with. These issues are an ever increasing problem in today’s busy world.

Anxiety is actually a natural state, and can be useful during short periods of stress. It is there to make us alert and aware of our surroundings.

Thousands of years ago, when we lived in caves and hunted and gathered, anxiety kept us alive when there were dangerous predators all around. It meant that we kept our wits about us and stayed alive.

As a species we’ve adapted anxiety to modern-day life and although we are unlikely to encounter dangerous Sabretooth Tiger’s these days, our brain still reacts to stress in exactly the same way as it did thousands of years ago.

Common causes of anxiety

Anxiety can be caused by a multitude of different events; illness, injury, marital/relationship issues, redundancy, financial problems. The list is endless.

Very often, anxiety is exacerbated by our own thoughts. Negative thoughts can create negative feelings and the part of your brain you use when you imagine these negative events of the future cannot tell the difference between imagination and reality.

If anxiety is allowed to build up over a period of time, it can manifest itself in a multitude of different ways. A once confident, healthy and relaxed person can find themselves unable to leave the house, developing unhealthy eating habits, drinking too much, or suffering from panic attacks in public. Other times, it can be a feeling of impending doom or a constant feeling of unease.

Help is only a step away

The good news is, with new thought patterns, come new feelings. Positive feelings. During our sessions, we will begin to have you focusing on the brighter aspects of your current life and the future you want to create for yourself.

Positive thoughts and feelings actually create a new chemistry in your brain, increasing important hormones that help to make you feel better, and in combination with relaxation techniques and hypnosis, my clients are able to start the process of taking back control of their life.


What is depression?

Depression is actually a natural response in the brain. Thousands of years ago, when we were living in caves, if conditions were too dangerous for us to go out and hunt, we’d pull our fur-skin rug over our head and not go out until things had improved. This helped us to save energy until we could next eat.

Unfortunately, we’ve adapted this response to modern-day life. During times of stress, we’re now more likely to hide under the blanket, binge watch a box-set or eat a mountain of junk food. While that’s fine every so often, if you’ve found yourself feeling sad for days, weeks or months at a time, it’s time to get some help and support.

There are a huge variety of symptoms from depression. It can cause intense physical symptoms as well as mental ones. Depression/low mood can be truly debilitating, leaving a person feeling that there is no hope left, or that things will never improve.

Getting help for depression

If you’re reading this, then you’ve already started telling yourself that things can improve. Even if you don’t realise it yet. You’ve already taken the first important step in helping you to get the real you back.

By helping you to focus on a new, positive future and relearning your own strengths, I can help you to regain your motivation. With hypnotherapy, I can help you re-focus your mind. You will begin to start seeing life clearly and positively again. Take a step out of the darkness!


Phobias can be absolutely debilitating. They can hold a person back from what most of us take for granted. For example; going on holiday, having important blood tests or operations, or even leaving the house.

Phobias can be roughly categorised into two groups; specific and complex.

Specific phobias

Specific phobias is where the phobia is about one thing or event. This list shows some of the more common phobias. However, there are many more:

  • Animals such as dogs, insects, snakes, rodents
  • The natural environment such as heights, water, darkness
  • Situational such as flying, going to the dentist, tunnels
  • Body-based phobias such as blood, vomit, injections
  • Sexual phobias such as sexual acts themselves or a phobia of nudity

Complex phobias

Complex phobias tend to have a more disruptive impact on your life than specific phobias. They also tend to develop when you are an adult. Two of the most common complex phobias are Social phobia and Agoraphobia.

Social phobia

If you have social phobia – also called social anxiety or social anxiety disorder – you will feel an extreme sense of fear and anxiety in social situations. This may be connected to one specific situation, such as public speaking, or it may be that you are afraid of talking to or being around other people in general.


Agoraphobia is widely thought to be a fear of open spaces, but it is more complex than this. The essential feature of agoraphobia is that you will feel anxious about being in places or situations that it would be difficult or embarrassing to get out of, or where you might not be able to get help if you have a panic attack.

This anxiety will then result in you avoiding a variety of situations that may include

  • Being alone inside or outside the home
  • Being in a crowd of people
  • Travelling by car, bus or plane
  • Being on a bridge or in a lift

Phobias can have a profound impact on your life. However, when they are removed or the symptoms managed, the results can be swift and outstanding.

Imagine for a moment if you had such a phobia of flying, it meant that you missed holidays with the family because of it? How wonderful it would be to be rid of that fear and be able to experience more of the world with your loved ones.

Many common phobias can be remedied with just three sessions, so don’t worry any longer.

If you have a phobia you would like to discuss, please get in touch.


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder caused by very frightening, stressful, or distressing events.

Someone with PTSD often relives the traumatic event through nightmares and flashbacks, and may experience feelings of isolation, irritability and guilt.

Causes of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Any situation that a person finds traumatic can cause PTSD and can include:

  • serious road accidents
  • violent personal assaults, such as sexual assault, mugging or robbery
  • military combat or terrorist events
  • traumatic birth
  • events experienced by emergency service

PTSD can develop immediately after someone experiences a disturbing event or it can occur weeks, months or even years later.

PTSD is estimated to affect about 1 in every 3 people who have a traumatic experience, but it’s not clear exactly why some people develop the condition and others don’t.

How PTSD can be treated

The “Rewind” Technique.

I have been trained in and have used many times with great success, the “Rewind” technique, developed by Dr. David Muss, who for the past 20 years has been Director of the PTSD unit at the BMI Edgbaston hospital in Birmingham and founder of the International Association for Rewind Trauma Therapy.

The Rewind technique is a fast, effective and self-directed technique which is designed to bring the involuntary recall/flashbacks of the event under conscious control. In effect, we are “filing” the events away, so that although you will still remember them, you will become in control over whether you wish to recall them or not.

The incredible part of this technique is that there is no requirement to disclose any sensitive information regarding the traumatic eventAfter an initial consultation to discuss the issues that PTSD has been causing you, we can proceed with the Rewind Technique without having to discuss the events that caused the trauma at all, so there is absolutely no fear of disclosing anything about anyone or anything involved in the event.

Within as little as a single session (multiple traumas may require additional sessions), the traumatic events can be brought under conscious control, giving you the opportunity to start reducing the symptoms and moving forwards.

Of course, if you wish to discuss the trauma itself and would find that doing so brings you a sense of catharsis or closure, then absolutely that can also form a part of our work together and I would be more than happy to do so.

PTSD doesn’t have to be for life and there are ways to deal with it that don’t involve months of dredging up painful and troubling experiences.

If you’re struggling with PTSD, don’t hesitate to get in touch and we can discuss your options further.



Cell/Text: 516-241-6952

Get Directions

* By appointment only
Monday 9am-9pm
Tuesday 9am-9pm
Wednesday 9am-9pm
Thursday 9am-9pm
Friday 9am-6pm
Saturday 9am-5pm


Nicole is a sole proprietor and small business owner. The courtesy of a 24 hour cancellation notice is greatly appreciated.

What to Expect from your Massage Therapist

  • Clean and safe environment

  • Professional and skilled services

  • Respect and dignity

During your first massage appointment, we will get a detailed medical history and work with you to determine any issues you may need addressed to begin your personal, customized massage.


Range $65- $200


Nicole is a sole proprietor and small business owner.  The courtesy of a 24 hour cancellation notice is greatly appreciated. 
*Please note:  The client may be financially responsible for the full session fee if he or she cancels without a 24 hour notice.

Medical Insurance

We provide receipts for services rendered for you to easily submit to your insurance companies for reimbursement. We do not take insurance.




Great Neck Hypnosis Center

8 Bond Street
Suite 202
Great Neck, NY 11021
Cell/Text: 516-241-6952

8 Bond Street

Located in a historic building in the heart of Great Neck with available metered street parking and municipal parking lots. (Bring Quarters)

Look for the red awning of Elaine's restaurant and walk under the awning as if you were entering the restaurant.  You'll find yourself in the courtyard and the entrance to my building is to the left.  You can't miss it!
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